Sunday, October 11, 2020

Waterproofing Model Boat Hulls

waterproofing model boat hulls

Tissue and dope is a tested and true way to seal balsa model boat hulls while adding strength. this how-to gives step-by-step instruction for sealing balsa with rice paper and cellulose lacquer. tissue and dope serves two purposes:. Hi, i m aware of the many ways you would waterproof the external hull of a wooden boat (mostly by reading these threads) but what if anything do you do to the inside of the hull? i suspect you would not want to seal it with anything like fiberglass as this would cause the wood to rot (guessing but sounds right). looking at the inside of the hull on my 1964 william osborne there is some form of. At lowe's, look for spar varnish. several coats of this, sanding inbetween coats with 220 sandpaper, will give you a waterproof coating. you can also dilute some epoxy glue with denatured alcohol and brush it on, but it doesn't sand as well..

waterproofing model boat hulls I myself am unsure of the method you are using to plank the hull on your model. there are 2 methods you could use - for double planking - they are double plank carvel - this is where the planks run from the stern to the stem parallel with the keel up to the gunnel and they are butt jointed (edge to edge)..